Angelo Argento is a qualified lawyer by higher courts. He is a senior expert of Administrative Law with specific experience in the implementation of regional legislation. Moreover he is a senior expert in Communitarian Law and in planning, evaluation and monitoring of policies, programs and public projects. Since 2005 to date Argento is the lead lawyer of the Department of Administrative Law, Public Works and Procurements, Public and Criminal Law of economics at “Improda & Partners”. Dal 2015 ad oggi ha accettato un incarico istituzionale presso il Ministero della Salute prendendo parte come componente del Nucleo di Valutazione e Verifica degli investimenti Pubblici come esperto esterno in “Diritto pubblico dell’economia, amministrativo, comunitario e programmazione comunitaria”.
He also holds the position of legal adviser at the Technical Center for the coordination of economic policy at the Prime Minister’s Office.